Sunday, June 9, 2024

WIPs and more

 Some of you may recall that I got baby chicks a f weeks ago. Well, they have grown. A lot. 

I also named them

Over the past week or so, they have been very active. I took them outside to forage for the first time today, and they were clearly loving it 😂

I have yet to figure out how to add videos, so here's a screenshot from a video I took
On the topic of WIPs, so far I have spent just over 2 hours etching my Othello mold. (it's so time consuming and tedious) I am actually pretty happy with how he looks so far!

I also made a new halter for one of my models to match the blanket that I make for him. The colors aren't a perfect match, but I think that it's close enough. I'm also planning on making a bareback pad that matches as well.

In other news, my school got out last Thursday, so I am finally on summer vacation! I don't yet know what I'll be doing this summer, but I'm glad to have a bit of a break. I will also hopefully be able to write a bit more now that I will have more free time.

That's all for now!

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